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ايران - تهران:آدرس الكترونيكي training.nigc@gmail.com, تلفن تماس : 09126408871-02181315724, Iran
مدرک تحصیلی : کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی نفت شغل :کارشناس ارشد آموزش فنی و تخصصی شرکت ملی گاز ایران


The petroleum industry is concerned primarily with the production, transportation, refining and chemical conversion of hydrocarbon minerals form the earth. Most of the hydrocarbons produced are in liquid and gaseous from and are called by names like crude oil, natural gas, condensate, etc. Coal, oil shale, tar sands, and the like also contain hydrocarbons. Even though they exist in the earth as solids, they may be processed to obtain products with the same properties as those made from oil or gas. A hydrocarbon is the general name given to any material composed primarily of hydrogen and carbon. Other materials may be present, but carbon and hydrogen are the primary constituents. The behaviour of hydrocarbon systems is very complex as evidenced by the fact that many branches of science and engineering devote much time to their study. It is not feasible or necessary to be an “expert” in all of these areas. But … there is a basic language that understanding it is the purpose of this section. bensaeedsh@gmail.com Die Mineralölindustrie ist in erster Linie mit der Herstellung, Transport, Raffination und chemische Umwandlung von Kohlenwasserstoff Mineralien betreffenden Form der Erde. Die meisten der von Kohlenwasserstoffen in flüssiger und gasförmiger aus und werden durch Namen wie Erdöl, Erdgas genannt, Kondensat, etc. Kohle, Ölschiefer, Ölsande und dergleichen auch Kohlenwasserstoffe enthält. Obwohl sie in der Erde als Feststoffe vorliegen, können sie verarbeitet werden, um Produkte mit den gleichen Eigenschaften wie die aus Erdöl oder Erdgas hergestellt zu erhalten. Ein Kohlenwasserstoff ist die allgemeine Bezeichnung für jedes Material hauptsächlich aus Wasserstoff und Kohlenstoff. Andere Materialien vorhanden sein können, aber Kohlenstoff und Wasserstoff sind die wichtigsten Bestandteile. Das Verhalten der Kohlenwasserstoff-Systeme ist sehr komplex wie die Tatsache, dass viele Zweige der Wissenschaft und Technik viel Zeit, um ihr Studium zu widmen belegt. Es ist nicht möglich oder notwendig, ein "Experte" in allen diesen Bereichen werden. Aber ... es ist eine grundlegende Sprache, die es zu verstehen ist das Ziel dieses Abschnitts Petroleumsnæringen er opptatt primært med produksjon, transport, foredling og kjemisk konvertering av hydrokarbon mineraler form jorden. De fleste av hydrokarboner som produseres er i flytende og gassform fra og er kalt med navn som råolje, naturgass, kondensat, etc. kull, oljeskifer, tjæresand, og liker også inneholde hydrokarboner. Selv om de finnes i jorden som faste stoffer, kan de behandles for å oppnå produkter med samme egenskaper som de laget av olje eller gass. Et hydrokarbon er det generelle navnet på materiale består hovedsakelig av hydrogen og karbon. Andre materialer kan være tilstede, men karbon og hydrogen er den primære bestanddeler. Oppførselen til hydrokarbon systemer er svært kompleks som gjenspeiles av det faktum at mange grener av vitenskap og ingeniørkunst vie mye tid til å studere deres. Det er ikke mulig eller nødvendig å være en "ekspert" i alle disse områdene. Men ... det er en grunnleggende språk som forståelse det er hensikten med denne delen.

فهرست مطالب این وب لاگ (فرید بن سعید ) براي مشاهده تيتر مطالب روي مثلث كنار ماه انگليسي کلیک نمایید

آخرین اخبار صنعت نفت و گاز

آخرين اخبار دانشگاهي

مطالب علمي دانشگاهي ايران

توجه توجه :دوستان مطالب اين وب لاگ بر مبناءسال ميلادي بايگاني مي شود روي هرسال ميلادي بالاي حديث روز كليك كنيد مطالب آن سال در وب ظاهر مي شود پيش فرض هم سال جاري مي باشدبراي سهولت در كادرجستجو زير هم مي توانيد كلمه كليدي مورد نظر را تايپ كنيد مطلب مورد نظر در اولين پيام ديده مي شود .روز خوبي داشته باشيد .

براي جستجو در وب لاگ من كلمات كليدي را وارد كنيد

۱۳۹۱ اردیبهشت ۱۱, دوشنبه

Energy part 1

 Energy Fundamental

Introduction: Energy causes things to happen around us. Look out the window. During the day, the sun gives out light and heat energy. At night, street lamps use electrical energy to light our way. When a car drivers by, it is being powered by gasoline, a type of stored energy.

The food we eat contains energy. We use that energy to work and play.

We learned the definition of energy in the introduction.

"Energy Is the Ability to Do Work."

Energy can be found in a number of different forms. It can be chemical energy, electrical energy, heat (thermal energy), light (radiant energy), mechanical energy, and nuclear energy.

*    Stored and Moving Energy

Energy makes everything happen and can be divided into two types:

  • Stored energy is called potential energy.
  • Moving energy is called kinetic energy.

With a pencil, try this example to know the two types of energy.

Put the pencil at the edge of the desk and push it off to the floor. The moving pencil uses kinetic energy.

Now, pick up the pencil and put it back on the desk. You used your own energy to lift and move the pencil. Moving it higher than the floor adds energy to it. As it rests on the desk, the pencil has potential energy. The higher it is, the further it could fall. That means the pencil has more potential energy.

*     How Do We Measure Energy?

Energy is measured in many ways.

One of the basic measuring blocks is called a Btu. This stands for British thermal unit and was invented by, of course, the English.

Btu is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit, at sea level.

One Btu equals about one blue-tip kitchen match.

One thousand Btus roughly equals: One average candy bar or 4/5 of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

It takes about 2,000 Btus to make a pot of coffee.

Energy also can be measured in joules. Joules sounds exactly like the word jewels, as in diamonds and emeralds. A thousand joules is equal to a British thermal unit.

1,000 joules = 1 Btu

So, it would take 2 million joules to make a pot of coffee.

The term "joule" is named after an English scientist James Prescott Joule who lived from 1818 to 1889. He discovered that heat is a type of energy.

One joule is the amount of energy needed to lift something weighing one pound to a height of nine inches. So, if you lifted a five-pound sack of sugar from the floor to the top of a counter (27 inches), you would use about 15 joules of energy.

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